copilot-0.22: A stream DSL for writing embedded C.Source codeContentsIndex

The Dispatch module : does all the IO, and offers an unified interface to both the interpreter and the compiler.

Also communicates with GCC in order to compile the C code, and then transmits the results of the execution of that C code. This functionnality is mostly used to check automatically the equivalence between the interpreter and the compiler. The Dispatch module only parses the command-line arguments before calling that module.

dispatch :: StreamableMaps Spec -> Sends -> Vars -> BackEnd -> Iterations -> Verbose -> IO ()
data BackEnd
= Opts AtomToC
| Interpreter
data AtomToC = AtomToC {
cName :: Name
gccOpts :: String
getPeriod :: Maybe Period
interpreted :: Interpreted
outputDir :: String
compiler :: String
prePostCode :: Maybe (String, String)
triggers :: Maybe [(Var, String)]
data Interpreted
= Interpreted
| NotInterpreted
type Iterations = Int
data Verbose
= OnlyErrors
| DefaultVerbose
| Verbose
dispatch :: StreamableMaps Spec -> Sends -> Vars -> BackEnd -> Iterations -> Verbose -> IO ()
This function is the core of Copilot : it glues together analyser, interpreter and compiler, and does all the IO. It can be called either from interface (which justs decodes the command-line argument) or directly from the interactive prompt in ghci. streams is a specification, inputExts allows the user to give at runtime values for the monitored variables. Useful for testing on randomly generated values and specifications, or for the interpreted version. be chooses between compilation or interpretation, and if compilation is chosen (AtomToC) holds a few additionnal informations. see description of BackEnd iterations just gives the number of periods the specification must be executed. If you would rather execute it by hand, then just choose AtomToC for backEnd and 0 for iterations verbose determines what is output.
data BackEnd
Opts AtomToC
data AtomToC
cName :: NameName of the C file to generate
gccOpts :: StringOptions to pass to the compiler
getPeriod :: Maybe PeriodThe optional period
interpreted :: InterpretedInterpret the program or not
outputDir :: StringWhere to put the executable
compiler :: StringWhich compiler to use
prePostCode :: Maybe (String, String)Code to replace the default initialization and main
triggers :: Maybe [(Var, String)]A list of Copilot variable C function name pairs. The C funciton is called if the Copilot stream becomes True. The Stream must be of Booleans and the C function must be of type void foo(void).
data Interpreted
type Iterations = Int
data Verbose
show/hide Instances
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